A guide to why and how a festival works in a city.

Together, we joyfully proclaim the Good News of Jesus to people everywhere—there’s nothing better.

We go by invitation…

Where we’ve been…

+ Nairobi, Kenya

+ Blantyre, Malawi

+ Cairo, Egypt

+ Cape Town, South Africa

+ Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast

+ Abidjan, Ivory Coast

+ Lilongwe, Malawi

+ Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

+ Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

+ Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

+ Bujumbura, Burundi

+ Kampala, Uganda

+ Kigali, Rwanda

The Festival Timeline: Four Phases

  • This is the phase where the vision is casted from local Church Leaders so that the festival is owned by the local Churches.

  • This is when we begin to mobilize and promote the Festival in the Church and outside the Church through the process called, “Internal and External Promotion.”

  • After training and mobilizing believers, it will be time to go out and reach out to the none believing friends. A week before the festival we will go to where the people are and the last 3 days, we will all gather at the Heroes National Stadium for the festival.

  • This is the process of follow-up and discipleship. Right from the preparation phase, local churches, and believers will be empowered to raise a group that will follow up and disciple those who will give their lives to Christ until they are rooted in local churches.

festival week events

festival weekend

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…

Romans 1:16